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Erev Shabbat Message
Oct 2008
47 minutes
Dr. Richard Booker
Recorded as we begin our 12th year of Erev Shabbat celebrations. To help us understand the time in which we are living, we are continuing our theme of Bible Prophecy.
Ezekiel tells us some very important information about end-time events. He tells about the ingathering of the Jewish people, at which time God will not only restore them to their land but also pour out His Spirit upon them.
Between the ingathering of the Jews described in chapters 36-37 and the rebuilding of the Temple described in chapter 40-48, Ezekiel prophesies about a war that will take place. He says that Israel will be attacked by a confederation of nations led by a powerful leader that Ezekiel calls Gog and Magog.In Jewish thinking, Gog and Magog are generic names referring to Gentile powers that represent the enemies of Israel.
It is interesting that when President Bush went to Israel in 2008 religious leaders in Israel gave him a letter in which they greeted him with the words, "President Bush, Chief Prince of Gog and Magog." Now since Ezekiel's prophesies recorded in chapters 36-37 have literally happened, at least in part, during our times, doesn't it seem logical to believe that the prophecy that follows in chapters 38-39 would also literally happen?
As we study this prophecy and relate it to current world events, it seems that we may be the generation to see it happen.Russia is once against flexing her military muscle. She has invaded the sovereign democratic country of Georgia which is geographically located in the exact area of Ezekiel's prophecy. It seems that a great conflict is certain in the near future.