Sometimes Things Aren't What They Seem!
Have you been confused hearing the conflicting claims between Israel and her Arab neighbors? It can be very difficult to understand the complex issues between them that constantly threaten world peace. It is hard to separate fact from fiction. We are in a great battle for truth regarding the Middle East and the Arab- Israeli conflict. Average decent people are being deceived to believe myths as facts and facts as myths regarding this never ending struggle.
How can we know what is true? Through propaganda, fabrications, distortion of facts, staged news and biased reporting, Israel is presented as an aggressor state that stole Arab land and drove Palestinians from their homes where they have lived for centuries. We are told if Israel would only give in to Arab demands for a state of their own, there would be peace. But what are the facts?
Dr. Richard Booker helps you separate fact from fiction. A Christian scholar and historian, he uses the biblical record and the actual facts of history to clarify the most important myths related to Jews and Israel, Palestine, Palestinians, Jerusalem, Moslem tolerance, refugees, Jewish pioneers and settlers, occupied Arab East Jerusalem, the "West Bank" the true identity of Yasser Arafat, and much, much more. The Battle for Truth - for those who want to know the truth!
52 Pages (5.5 in x 8.5 in)