Elective Course12 Audio CDs with Notebook (Syllabus)
Dr. Richard Booker
The purpose of this course is to assist the student in understanding the historical background and Hebraic perspective of the Book of Revelation. This is part 3 of a 3-part course and covers chapters 13-22 of the Book of Revelation.
The subjects covered in this course are:
- Lesson 1 - The Anti-Messiah
- Lesson 2 - The False Prophet
- Lesson 3 - Preview of the End
- Lesson 4 - Preparing for the Seventh Trumpet
- Lesson 5 - Blowing the Seventh Trumpet
- Lesson 6 - Destruction of Religious System
- Lesson 7 - Destruction of Political System
- Lesson 8 - Second Coming of Messiah
- Lesson 9 - Battle of Armageddon
- Lesson 10 - The Messianic Kingdom
- Lesson 11 - New Heaven & Earth Part One
- Lesson 12 - New Heaven & Earth Part Two
12 Audio CDs with Notebook (Syllabus)