Elective Course12 Audio CDs with Notebook (Syllabus)
Dr. Richard Booker
The purpose of this course is to help the student understand what the Bible says about the end times with a special emphasis on the Hebraic understanding as opposed to the traditional Western understanding.The subjects covered in this course are:
Lesson 1 - Ten Prophetic Signs - 1
Lesson 2 - Ten Prophetic Signs - 2
Lesson 3 - America in Prophecy
Lesson 4 - The Church in Prophecy
Lesson 5 - Kingdom of God in Prophecy
Lesson 6 - The Nations in Prophecy
Lesson 7 - World Empires in Prophecy
Lesson 8 - Gog and Magog in Prophecy
Lesson 9 - The Arabs in Prophecy
Lesson 10 - Jerusalem in Prophecy - 1
Lesson 11 - Jerusalem in Prophecy - 2Lesson 12 - Preparing for the End Times
12 Audio CDs and 184 pages in a 3 Ring Notebook (Syllabus)