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Erev Shabbat Meeting
Jan 2008
America in Bible Prophecy
65 minutes
Dr. Richard Booker
Where is America in Bible prophecy? America is the greatest nation in the history of nations. Yet, there is not the vaguest reference to America in Bible prophecy. Why is America not mentioned in all the great end time events? What could this meant to Americans in general and American believers? What was George Washington's prophetic vision of the future for America? Most Bible-believing Christians believe that we are living in the end times. If this is a correct understanding of the times in which we live, we would think that America would have a very significant role in Bible prophecy. Please listen as Dr. Booker explains "America in Bible Prophecy" Plus George Washington's Prophetic Vision of the Future of America. America is the greatest nation in the history of nations. America is the only superpower in the world. Our military, our economy, our form of government, our wealth and prosperity, with all its faults, far exceeds all the other nations of the world and is the envy of every nation. While oppressive nations build walls to keep their citizens in, America builds walls to keep people out. Most of the people of the world would come to America if they could. So why is America not mentioned in Bible prophecy? Why is it that our nation, the greatest of all nations in all of history, and the last Gentile superpower, is not mentioned specifically in Bible prophecy? Join us as Dr. Booker shares six reasons why America is not mentioned in the Bible and does not have a significant role in end time events.